(UPDATE 4/17/2005: The comments bring good news. Details at bottom.)
It's weird, maybe because there are more bloggers now, I have very few people linking directly to this blog. I abandoned my Radio Userland blog over a year ago, but it still gets more direct link hits (vs. bad google search "bait+tackle" hits,) than this Typepad blog. I remember tweaking with the Radio templates to make sure the blog post titles were permalinks to that post. That may be the problem. <--Fixed. See "Update" below.
While Typepad has some really nice drag-and-drop template design widgets, it is very confusing to create and use template sets. You have to duplicate one of their standard template sets, that's easy enough. Then you have to go a separate step to make sure your blog uses your special set. That works fine. But then - when you go through the control panel to change the font, it seems to start from scratch with a standard typepad template set that uses the font you just selected.