I see Shelley Powers is closing down Burningbird. And Russell Beattie has put his notebook to bed.
Just as Dave Winer is preparing to blogmothball Scripting News at the end of the year, Mark Pilgrim returns from his online hiatus. Coincidence? I think not.
Phil the futurist Wolff saw this coming years ago. Now the backlash and shutdown gaining speed.
I'd love to just delete and start over. Kind of like life, start completely over. But there's the guilt: what about linkrot? Web 2.0? We need a blog graveyard for poeple who want to quit, really quit, sell the domain and all, but with a clear conscience.
Blog undertaker to the rescue! Pay Dr. Web (or typepad, technorati, whomever,) a one-time fee to suck your archives down via the virtual hearse to disk. Future searchers, followers of del.ici.ous tags, bookmarks and such, can search two webs: the live one, and the dead. Encounter a webroad-ends-here (as Shelley fears "each time I drop something, even more 404s result")? You'll have an option: see if it's in the dead-web, abstract for free, full blog post plus links for a small fee. Like Lexis-Nexis.
Surely, someone like the Internet Archive is already doing this. They probably are. If not, be my guest -- or my thief, as it were -- steal this idea and give it a shot.