(Disclaimer: These first impressions, separated into questions and tips, are jotted down as they are experienced. They are not bad or good, just a one-person usability study, documented live.)
We need a word for people who just listen to podcasts. I am not yet a 'caster': not producing anything or casting it in any way, be it broadcasting, narrowcasting, netcasting or podcasting. I am just subscribing - podscribing? (Eh, that term needs work).
Tip. Beginner podscribers should start by just subscribing to just one or two feeds at a time to get the hang of what's going on. I started out with way too many feeds in my iTunes queue. Today I pared down to just one: ITConversations.
My first impressions with podcasting (without an iPod) are muddled because I'm also new to iTunes. I just jotted down the question below, but now I notice someone has written a guide for using iPodder with Windows Media Player, will have to give that a try.
Q. (iTunes) How come the playlist "ITConversations" has 5 other "albums" on it? How can I isolate just ITConversations onto one playlist?